welcome to collectors mind

This is a forum for sharing knowledge, gaining insights and shaping opinions. We will not sit on the fence here or play favorites. The language of art has changed in a blink of a year– today there are market makers, power brokers, savvy investors, flippers, fakes and fund managers. Collectors are nearly extinct. Why? Because collectors can see and COLLECTORS MIND. So together, let’s take a small step to make today’s buyers into tomorrow’s collectors. The future of art depends on it!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Lives of Others

A good film has the power to engage you while a great film is sure to transport you - to another place and another time. Lives of Others is one such film. Leave aside the fact that it won the Oscar for best foreign film because there is nothing foreign about it, except that all the dialogues are in German. The script is genuinely brilliant, the acting is beyond top class and the cinematography is spot on. This picture is wow all the way to the end, and although I have only just returned from the cinema hall, i know it will remain in my memory for a long time to come. I am not a trained film critic, or a food critic not even an art critic for that matter but rather a collector - of ideas and images and most of all of experiences - all things that leave a lasting impression, that transform the thought and instruct the action. I am also not a wordsmith with the ability to accurately translate thoughts and convey emotions, especially at one in the morning so go watch, and make your own assessment. I have already made mine!

p.s. The only regret I have is that I waited until Monday for this visual treat, and don’t even get me started on the abrupt and mindless censoring by our board…it’s a complete outrage but see it none the less and buy the original DVD and see it again